Pre-owned Sales
The following products are available for sales and they can be inspected at our showroom. For sales queries, please contact Cecil Tan (96176046). All prices listed are in Singapore Dollars (SGD), unless otherwise stated. This website is managed by Silbatone S.E.A. Read our Terms & Conditions for your reference.

Updated: 10 Mar 2025

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Audio Space Reference 3.1 (300B) Integrated Amplifier
Audio Space reference 300B integrated amplifier, with 2 pcs 300B per side in Pure Class A, push-pull configuration producing 21 watts per channel.

Still current model and in near mint condition!

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Audio Space Reference 3.1 (300B) Integrated Amplifier
 Retail Price: $6,000
Price (SGD): $2,900
PS Audio DirectStream DAC and Streamer
The DirectStream is one of the most remarkable DACS ever built as all the major reviewers agree. Hand written, discrete, perfection based conversion that uncovers all the missing information hiding in your digital audio media. CD’s, streaming audio, high-resolution PCM or DSD based media are expertly upsampled in the DirectStream to twenty times DSD rate and output as pure analog directly into your amplifier or preamplifier.

Rated Class A+ in Stereophile Recommended Components listing 2022.

In pristine condition, with original box and all accessories. This unit comes packaged with the optional built-in Bridge II digital streamer module. Normal retail is $9900 for this configuration.

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PS Audio DirectStream DAC and Streamer
 Retail Price: $9,900
Price (SGD): $3,900
Concert Fidelity CF-080LSX Hybrid Preamplifier
This preamp is the closest thing to using no preamp at all, yet it provides sufficient gain to give music the drive and authority which no passive device can equal. Extraordinary resolution and immediacy from the shortest circuit path possible, implemented with our unique Direct Signal Path Technology.

Unparalleled transparency and excellent channel separation from our proprietary minimalist dual electronic volume control. Lightning-fast transient response and crystalline clarity from our perfectionist low-distortion amplification section using the 12AU7(ECC82) in cascode configuration. Perfectionist simplified and optimized circuitry allows the sound of the tubes themselves to emerge with unparalleled transparency―the meaning of the proverbial “straight wire with gain.”

Inputs: 4-Line Level Inputs (RCA). XLR input is for Input 4.
Input Impedance: 100kohms
Outputs: 1-Line Level Output (RCA). The option of a XLR output is possible(LSX4).
Gain: Selectable between 6dB and 12dB/Standerd, (12dB and 24dB/Option)
Tube Complement: 12AU7/ECC82 (2) for gain (tube-swapping possible), 6V4/EZ80 or 6CA4/EZ81 (1) for rectification.

In almost new condition, with original box, owner's manual and remote control. Retail price when new: $28,350

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Concert Fidelity CF-080LSX Hybrid Preamplifier
 Retail Price: $28,350
Price (SGD): $13,900
Concert Fidelity ZL-200 FXB Monoblock
ZL-200 FXB is an idealist, minimalist and non-compromise design with meticulous attention to detail in parts selection, layout, and construction.
We have achieved simplest possible circuitry with minimum number of components, with Four pairs of output MOS-FET’s per monoblock in BTL configuration with no overall NFB, achieving 180 watts @ 8 ohms.
It is a state-of-the-art power amplifier. Sonically pure and transparent.
Revealing, yet involving. Transcending the traditional boundaries of vacuum tube and solid state designs.

The FXB is the fully balanced version of the standard RCA-only FX2. Retail price is SGD 59,000 per pair.

"These monoblocks are the first solid-state amps I've heard that sound like a tubed unit," - Harry Pearson

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Concert Fidelity ZL-200 FXB monoblock
 Retail Price: $59,000
Price (SGD): $22,000
PS Audio P15 Power Plant (Price Reduced)
The DirectStream P15 Power Plant is the gold standard for safety, reliability, and high-performance AC power regeneration. The P15 improves micro and macro dynamics, audio purity, instrumental separation, soundstage width and depth, and lowers background noise for any connected equipment. From medium to large power amplifiers to the smallest pieces of source equipment, the P15 will work magic on your system’s performance. Don’t starve your music or risk damaging your equipment. A P15 gives you greatly improved performance and safety from just plugging into the wall socket and far better dynamics, bass and a much bigger, open soundstage than any power conditioner on the market.

Current model in great condition, with 6 month dealer warranty. New retail price $11,500

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PS Audio P15 Power Plant
 Retail Price: $11,500
Price (SGD): $7,200
Silbatone S.E.A. represents the following brands: Silbatone Acoustics, PS Audio, Audio Solutions, Audience, Bryston, Reed, Kronos, Gershman Acoustics, Audio Philar, My Sonic Lab, G.I.P. Laboratory and Flux Hifi.
Lamm LP2 Deluxe Phono Preamp
The LP2 is a dual-mono vacuum tube phono preamplifier with two electrically and mechanically separated channels. It features a topology that brings out the most natural sound performance in the audio path, as well as graceful and sophisticated design.

The most advanced technical solutions have been employed in the design of the LP2. The preamplifier utilizes single-ended pure class A high current topology, with no loop feedback (a very accurate passive RIAA EQ network is used). Its unique circuitry utilizes specially selected very low noise high trans-conductance 417A / 5842 vacuum tubes. Two separate inputs for MM and MC cartridges, together with the corresponding selector/gain switches, allow to employ various types of cartridges without the tiresome switching of cables. Audibly neutral power supply features a full-wave VACUUM rectifier with a choke-containing filter (two chokes are employed), and one solid-state low-voltage analogue non-switching regulator used as the heater supply.

In the deluxe version, the power supply stores more energy, all film capacitors in signal path are bypassed by polystyrene capacitors of the highest available quality, and a custom-designed massive damping panel significantly reduces all types of mechanical vibrations which, in turn, leads to a more extended,1 coherent and natural bass reproduction.

In excellent physical condition and everything fully tested to work perfectly.

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Lamm LP2 Deluxe phono preamp
 Retail Price: $10,500
Price (SGD): $3,990
Echo Buster Bass Buster Quarter Rounds
The Bass Buster is a 4'-tall quarter-round tower with a radius of 8". Under its fabric cover, it's a Helmholtz resonator—a rigid enclosed column with holes drilled and spaced to tune the BB for absorption at a particular frequency. In this case, the center frequency is 90-95Hz, but by adding foam to damp air movement inside the column, the absorption can be spread out over a broader range, from approximately 65Hz to 225Hz.

12 pcs available. Choice of beige or grey.

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Echo Buster Bass Buster quarter rounds
Price (SGD): $170
Echo Busters Double Buster Acoustic Panels
Beige coloured 4′ x 12″ Double Buster diffuser panels. 4 pcs available.

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Echo Busters Double Buster acoustic panels
 Retail Price: $550
Price (SGD): $260
Audio Analogue Bellini Anniversary Preamp (Price Reduced)
The Bellini Anniversary preamplifier, designed in the Airtech laboratories, proposes
another of historic Audio Analogue products. The only thing in common between this
new model and the previous versions of the Bellini is the name, while the project and
the technical solutions used are completely new.

These new features include the power stage designed using inductive-capacitive
filtering to minimize power disturbances. The inductance of the filter has been
designed and manufactured specifically for this device. The amplifier stage, called
Se.Ge.STA (Single Gain Stage Transconductance Amplifier), has been designed to
make the preamp even quieter while maintaining the structure completely balanced
and with zero global feedback.

In almost new condition, with remote control and owner's manual.

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Audio Analogue Bellini Anniversary preamp
 Retail Price: $8,500
Price (SGD): $3,500
Lampizator Golden Gate Tube DAC
The Golden Gate DAC project is the answer to the hugely popular expectation from our dear customers, that we install in the DAC the best parts known to the Audiophile community. So called BOUTIQUE parts.

Well, we give to every DAC, especially the Big7, the best parts that WE consider sanely priced. But of course the golden fish could bring something even more sexy. That’s how this project was born.

GG is the Big7 DSD DAC made of the MOST expensive boutique parts chosen by our customers in their wish-list survey.

Features included::

1.Silver WBT solder used throughout

2.All wiring is 26 GA stranded silver in teflon

3.WBT gold / silver RCA output sockets or Furutech Rhodium RCA

4.Furutech RCA digital S/PDIF input or WBT

5.ATOM Vishay first capacitor after the tube

6.Mundorf M-Lytic HV electrolytes in second stage of PSU .

7.Mundorf Foil MKP capacitors in third, final stage of power supply just before the tube anode.

8.Metal-Film laser cut resistor MLT in Anode Load

9.CMC Teflon sockets with gold pin contacts for all 3 tubes

10.Output capacitors are the huge Jupiter-Copper 1uF caps or Audyn True Copper 1 uF, bypassed by Duelund Pure Silver caps or by Mundorf Silver Oil Supreme. Yes, a hybrid, best of both worlds, supposedly beating even pure silver one-cap solution.

11.Rectifier tube is after market Takatsuki 274B

12.Music Tubes are Emission Labs mesh 45 Anniversary Edition.

13.Digital input SPDIF capacitor is Mundorf Silver Oil Supreme .

14.Chassis / box is made of pure copper stamped and powder clear-coated for 100 years of immaculate shine. Copper provides also heat dissipation and the best EM shielding possible.

In excellent condition. Fully balanced with R2R / PCM/DSD decoding capability.

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Lampizator Golden Gate tube DAC
Price (SGD): $16,500